As humans, we are all creatures of habit—clinging onto the known and ignoring new solutions competing against our legacy apps and systems.
However, just like ridesharing disrupted the taxi industry, disruptions can have massive benefits to our lifestyles. Getting a fresh start with a new system could provide your firm an opportunity to streamline processes and make things more efficient. It might mean finally being able to centralize support for your clients by ending the days of using “whatever app the client wants to use” and being an expert in none.
Instead, you can develop deep expertise in one platform and pass that on to the client through a great experience AND be more efficient in your work and providing support. If you find the right platform—one that supports your growth—you’ll also have access to resources and people that are plugged into your plan and truly working to help you succeed.
Learning Objectives:
Over the last 15+ years, I've created an accounting, tax, and consulting practice focused on making the world of business and taxes engaging and understandable. I believe in the power of design and design thinking to create deeper meaning and affect real change. And I will be a lifelong student of my own biases and privilege and how they get in the way of creating a more inclusive and equitable world.